I've always loved math but fell into teaching it quite accidentally and wound up teaching it for 10 years. I've taught grades 4 through 12, but mostly at the high school level; I've taught all levels- remedial, at grade level, and gifted; I've taught Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus and more. No matter what the level or the topic, I always enjoyed everything about it. I tried to teach my students that Math is not about numbers, but about patterns. By understanding those patterns it's possible to understand the way the world works, as well as to control and predict the future. Math trains the brain in ways that are helpful no matter what subject you study or practice. Plus, it's fun ;)
My favorite holiday is PiDay! Take a look at my PiDay page for ideas on how you can celebrate too!
One of the many wonderful things about celebrating this "holiday" is you can do it twice a year, once on March 14th (3.14 the decimal approximation) and then again on July 22 (22/7 the fractional approximation and the way that most countries write their dates). |
My protopage tab on Math
Links to resources about Math on my protopage from the Career Day talk I gave 6/2014
My bookmarks: Math
My Tumblr blog of Pi Day Tweets set up to automatically post tweets with the hashtag #PiDay
My protopage tab on Pi Day
My Math Slidedecks
My SMARTBoard Math gallery (note, you will need to have SMARTnotebook installed to view/edit)
Math Diaries- This was an assignment from one of the Graduate classes I took at Brooklyn College. I couldn't find the final version, but you can get a good idea of how a modified version of this assignment would be great to use in a math class!
Links to resources about Math on my protopage from the Career Day talk I gave 6/2014
My bookmarks: Math
My Tumblr blog of Pi Day Tweets set up to automatically post tweets with the hashtag #PiDay
My protopage tab on Pi Day
My Math Slidedecks
- Proving Trigonometric Identities
- Analytic Trigonometry
- Solving Linear Systems
- Trig Word Problems
- Sinusoidal Word Problem
- Trigonometry: Solving Triangles
- Basic Trig Graphs
- Inequalities
- The Golden Ratio
- Math B Course by Chapter
- Operations with Algebraic Fractions: Adding/Subtracting
- Operations with Algebraic Fractions: Simplifying/Multiplying/Dividing
- Fractional Equations
- Finding All Real Zeros of a Polynomial
- Finding All Real Zeros of a Polynomial example 2
- Geometry
- Inequalities
- Dividing Polynomials
- Platonic Solids
- Making Connections in Pre-Calculus
- Right Triangle Trig
- Factoring Quadratics
- Motion Problems
My SMARTBoard Math gallery (note, you will need to have SMARTnotebook installed to view/edit)
Math Diaries- This was an assignment from one of the Graduate classes I took at Brooklyn College. I couldn't find the final version, but you can get a good idea of how a modified version of this assignment would be great to use in a math class!